zondag 28 december 2008

La Leçon de Guesdon...

« Ce que l'on désigne sous le nom de « qualités » ou de « vertus », telles l'humilité, la générosité, la tolérance, l'intégrité, etc., sont des facultés de l'âme. Le but de notre présence sur Terre est précisément d'éveiller ces facultés et de les exprimer dans notre comportement, au contact d'autrui. » (Mysticisme rosicrucien)

From a report in the Rosicrucian Digest Vol. XXXIII May, 1955 No. 5


The illustrious Grand Master of the A.M.O.R.C. of France, Mlle. Jeanne Guesdon, S.R.C., crossed the threshold of higher initiation at two o’clock in the morning, Tuesday, March 29, 1955. Though she had been ill for the past few weeks, her transition will come as a shock for numerous fratres and sorores throughout the world who knew her personally or through the medium of her great service to the Rosicrucian Order in France.

There are those persons whose unique talents and experiences are so co-ordinated with their work in life that there is every indication that their mission was Cosmically ordained. Such a person was Soror Guesdon. She acquired an excellent administrative training and experience early in life. Born in France February 10, 1884, she subsequently sojourned in London learning English proficiently. Later she assumed an executive position in Havana, Cuba, which afforded her an opportunity, during a period of several years, to master the Spanish language.

A fascination for esoteric teachings and mystical literature resulted in Mlle. Guesdon’s contacting the Rosicrucian Order, to the studies of which she devoted herself ardently. Her Rosicrucian affiliation brought her to the portals of many of the traditional initiatic orders in Europe. In these bodies she won honors as an officer. In this capacity, she became liaison officer for the late Imperator of AMORC, Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, transmitting officials documents from him to the affiliated orders and often acting as his special interpreter when he was in Europe. Dr. H. Spencer Lewis had the utmost admiration for the integrity, ingenuity and enlightenment of Soror Guesdon.

In accordance with Dr. H. Spencer Lewis plans for the A.M.O.R.C. Mlle. Guesdon, in collaboration with the present Imperator, Ralph M. Lewis, organized the modern version of the A.M.O.R.C. in France. Thus the light of the Rosicrucian Order in America, having been received form France originally, was reflected back to the land from which it had originally come. Immediately following World War II, Mlle. Guesdon undertook the tremendous task of the translation of all Rosicrucian teachings, as are now issued in the French language. In addition she directed the necessary construction of administrative buildings, the formation of correspondence departments, the issuance of the French magazine Rose-Croix, and all the numerous functions related to the extensive work of the Order. That she has been successful is evidenced in the large and loyal French Rosicrucian membership. It was her dream that Dr. Lewis wish be fulfilled, and she was cosmically supported in every way to lay the sound foundation that now exists in France. Only last summer she, at her advanced age, flew from Paris to San Jose to attend the International Rosicrucian Convention. Here she reported on the work of the Order in France and remained to make a further analysis of the methods at the Supreme and Grand Lodges.

Peace profound unto thee, Soror Jeanne Guesdon!

When I decided that I should write about interesting though virtually unknown mystics, I was’t fully aware yet that the three I had subconsciously in mind, had some things in common i.e. they were great women initiates and Rosicrucians. Especially not when I started writing about Greet Hofmans. Greet Hofmans was in the fist place of course a member of the Theosophical Society. However, I wasn’t in the least surprised to learn that she’d also been a member of the "Rozekruisers Genootschap". The other two starting with Jeanne Guesdon, being members of the A.M.O.R.C. Though Greet Hofmans was by far the best known of the three, they all shared this attitude that they never sought fame nor fortune, despite Greet’s famous clientele. Also in common, that there’s, unfortunately, very little information available on them.

"Je suis un inconnu célèbre." - Jean Cocteau

“Si le mot que tu vas prononcer n'est pas plus beau que le silence, alors ne le dis pas !”

Naast andere deugden is de ware mysticus te herkennen aan het feit dat hij het voorbeeld geeft, zoniet van stilte dan toch minstens van verbale gematigdheid. Hij spreekt slechts weloverwogen, dat wil zeggen, zelden, en de woorden die hij uitspreekt, zijn rijk aan diepe betekenis. Hij maakt dit advies van een soefileraar tot het zijne: "Als het woord dat je gaat uitspreken, niet mooier is dan de stilte, zeg het dan niet!" - Jeanne Guesdon

Le véritable mystique se reconnaît, entre autres vertus, à ce qu'il donne l'exemple, sinon du silence, au moins de la tempérance verbale. Il ne parle qu'à bon escient, c'est-à-dire rarement, et les paroles qu'il prononce sont riches d'un sens profond. - Jeanne Guesdon

The goal of the Rosicrucian is to live mysticism, and mysticism by definition, is the study and the putting into practice of the bond which unites us with the God of our Heart. – Christian Bernard

"I have done everything I had to do for you. Now you must continue on your Path and make contact with Jeanne Guesdon who is the representative for AMORC". - Edith Lynn to Raymond Bernard.

This then was my initial training. I was in contact with Jeanne Guesdon for a long time. I never saw her in person, but I knew what was happening at Villeneuve-St. Georges insofar as the establishment of the Order was concerned, and I became the first member of Rose+Croix in the French Language Jurisdiction. Later I became a member of the Militia Crucifera Evangelica (No relation to OMCE) . After Jeanne Guesdon's death, Ralph Lewis gave me the opportunity of taking on her respon- sibilities but this was somewhat delicate for me due to my professional position. I was later told that before her death, Jeanne Guesdon, when questioned by Ralph Lewis, had indicated that she knew someone who could continue the work after her but she wasn't certain if in my position I would be willing to consider such a proposition. I therefore found myself at the head of the Rose+Croix and was faced with the real task of having to very quickly establish branches in many parts of the country.

I had great success, thanks to work I had done previously through my connections with other traditional movements which could render the necessary assistance. In Rome, and then in Paris, I was received among the Freemasons and became a Master Mason, but bit by bit I had to put this activity aside as I was too busy trying to re-establish the Rose+Croix. I was later elected to the Supreme Council of the Rose+Croix and filled several functions, in particular as Supreme Legate, first for Europe and then for the entire world. Eventually, the time came when I relinquished these responsibilities to my son.

This then, in very summary fashion, is the direction of my life. - Raymond Bernard. The statement Frater Raymond Bernard makes here could raise some brows though. Where he states that he never met Mlle. Guesdon in person, this sounds totally plausible to me, but I question his statement that he was the first member of the French jurisdiction. In his book Rosicrucian History and Mysteries Christian Rebisse says the following:
As for Hans Grüter ( 14/6/1878 - 1953 ), he became Grand Master for France. He was assisted by Jeanne Guesdon (1884-1955) who spoke perfect English and had joined the Order in 1926 whilst living in Cuba. She returned to France for good in 1930 where she became a valuable assistent. Although only having the title of Secretary it was she, in fact, who managed AMORC for France.
In the chronology of the same book 1949 is mentioned as the official beginning of AMORC in France under the direction of Jeanne Guesdon. In her book Great Women Initiates or The Feminine Mystic, Hélène Bernard also mentions the legal establishment of the office of the French Jurisdiction of AMORC, on January 1, 1949.

Hans Grüter (initiatic name a.k.a. Nomen Mysticum: SAR Ioannes) and Jeanne Guesdon (Sar Puritia) were both important members of the FUDOSI (Federatio Universalis Dirigens Ordines Societatesque Initiationis or Fédération Universelle des Ordres et Sociétés Initiatiques in French). Guesdon being the official secretary. The FUDOSI (1934) was an attempt to create a federation of all true mystical orders and protect themselves and the people from frauds. Its mission was "to protect the sacred liturgies, rites and doctrines of the traditional initiatory Orders from being appropriated and profaned by clandestine organizations" In 1951 after the 8th convention it was dissolved after disagreements between its members.

Where, generally speaking, the FUDOSI was made up of worthy men, passionate about brotherhood and spirituality and who to a certain extent shared the tolerance and humanism of H. Spencer Lewis, they just couldn’t and wouldn’t accept the novel and avant-garde attitude of the Americans, who with their behaviour sometimes shocked the Europeans in their traditions. The cut a long story short, the main disagreements arose between Ralph M. Lewis, Emile Dantinne and Jean Mallinger over AMORC’s mail-order lessons, its advertising campaigns and worse still about AMORC accepting black members! And where the organisation after the war had already lost much of its compelling reasons to exist to begin with, on 14th August 1951 its members decided to place it into dormancy...

from Complete Authentic History of the Rosicrucian Order:
For some years Mlle. Guesdon, a native of France, residing in Villeneuve-Saint-Georges, 56 Rue Gambetta, a suburb of Paris, had been a member of the Rose-Croix, France, and a scholar of the traditional esoteric orders. She was recognized as a brilliant student of mysticism and metaphysics and had functioned for several years as a liaison officer between Dr. H. Spencer Lewis and certain of the mystical bodies of Europe. In addition to these activities, she was also a member of the AMORC of America and was highly enthusiastic about its expansion program and its preparation and manner of presenting the Rosicrucian teachings.
Dr. H. Spencer Lewis, the incumbent Imperator of AMORC, conferred with Mlle. Guesdon with regard to her assisting in the voluminous and tedious work of translating the modern form of the teachings and rituals into the French language. She agreed to undertake this task and immediate began her voluntary labor of love. The Imperator’s transition occurred before much of this work could be accomplished. Following this, World War II and the nazi occupation of France further inhibited Mlle. Guesdon’s efforts. After World War II, the newly presiding Imperator, Ralph M. Lewis, journeyed to France to confer with Mlle. Guesdon, and preparation for the AMORC in France was renewed with vigor.
In July 1954 Mlle Guesdon attended the International Rosicrucian Convention in San Jose and conferred with the Supreme Council there. She passed through transition suddenly in March, 1955, after a short illness. The work of AMORC in France had, nevertheless, been established by her sacrifice, with the full cooperation and further direction of the Imperator, Ralph M. Lewis. Mlle Guesdon began the work of AMORC in France in her own home and even constructed a small administration office on her property (56 Rue Gambetta, Villeneuve-Saint-Georges). She bequeathed this property to AMORC France.

Though Jeanne must somehow have anticipated her sudden death aged 71, it came as a total surprise to many, since she was in good health. The cause was a minor ailment for which she went through surgery. Though surgery was a success, she may have left the hospital rather prematurely. But the monthly monograph mailing was due and she wanted to go home as soon as possible...

"The doctors prescribed anti-coagulants, but probably too large a dose. She left the clinic on Monday, March 28, prepared a few papers, and put a small chest containing a few pieces of jewelry and souvenirs in her attic. She went to bed, hemorrhaged, and passed through transition. Her last moments were very difficult, and she was aware of her passing." - Hélène Bernard

Thus ended the earthly existence of a great woman initiate et de la grande dame du rosicucianisme.

La lecture: Extrait de Message d'une initiée de la Rose-Croix (Diffusion Rosicrucienne - 1995)

Aujourd'hui, nous voudrions vous parler de la lecture ; c'est un problème extrêmement important et qui peut jouer un rôle essentiel en bien comme en mal, dans votre évolution spirituelle. La lecture est comme la langue dont parle Esope et elle peut, selon l'usage qu'on en fait, devenir la meilleure ou la pire des choses.Car il y a deux façons au moins de lire. La plus fréquente, et la pire, consiste à faire de la lecture une « distraction ». On lit tout ce qui tombe sous la main et l'on s'abandonne aux récits. On les subit, on se crée ainsi un monde imaginaire, sans contact avec la réalité et quand on reprend pied dans la vie normale, on est comme une personne brusquement réveillée après avoir absorbé un soporifique. Il se produit alors entre le monde de la fiction et le monde du réel, une rupture extrêmement préjudiciable au bon équilibre psychologique, donc au progrès mystique.Dans ce genre toxique la pire place revient aux journaux et aux magazines. Il est certes bon de se tenir au courant des événements. Un rosicrucien ne se renferme pas dans sa tour d'ivoire ; il est comme le poète, un écho sonore au centre de l'univers... Mais tant de journaux, au lieu de renseigner, se contentent de flatter les instincts, le matérialisme, d'exploiter la paresse ou la dépravation de certains lecteurs, leur goût du scandale et même du sangCertains romans en leur genre sont aussi redoutables, particulièrement ceux qui paraissent innocents, mais qui enlèvent le goût de l'effort en faisant croire que tout s'arrange. Au contraire, il y a des œuvres romanesques qui sont de véritables nourritures spirituelles. Citons presque tout Balzac, les grands classiques et des livres traduits, comme par exemple ceux de Tolstoï, de Joan Bojer, de Bulwer Lytton, d'Ank Larsen, d'Hermann Hesse, mais ce ne sont que quelques noms parmi des centaines d'autres.Voyons maintenant en quoi la lecture est aussi la meilleure des choses. C'est quand elle nous oblige à nous confronter avec une réalité supérieure, quand elle nous apporte les messages de grands inspirés, quand elle est un écho du Cosmique.Alors il ne s'agit plus seulement de lire, mais de relire et d'intégrer. On lit quelques pages, on les médite, on en tire les idées directrices que l'on note. On relit ce qui nous a le plus frappé, jusqu'à s'en imprégner. Le livre aimé devient alors, comme le dit la Bible « os de mes os et chair de ma chair ». Et c'est justement la Bible qui est le plus grand des livres. Une existence entière n'en épuise pas la « substantifique moelle ». Il y a dix façons de la lire : historique, morale, métaphysique, initiatique, cabalistique, etc. Tous ces aspects sont essentiels. Tous sont à envisager successivement et simultanément.Mais nous ne négligerons pas non plus ces prophètes que sont les grands poètes : Victor Hugo d'abord, aussi Nerval et Rimbaud. Et pour ceux qui lisent l'allemand, Novalis, Goethe ; pour ceux qui comprennent l'anglais, William Blake, Coleridge, Milton, Walt Whitman. Mais il est inutile d'ajouter d'autres noms illustres, c'est à chacun de se constituer une bibliothèque choisie, de livres qui seront des amis secrets, fidèles. C'est en lisant de bons livres que le Rosicrucien, s'en imprégnant, avance sûrement dans le sentier de la vérité, car c'est à lui, plus qu'à tout autre que s'applique l'axiome hermétique dont nos aînés faisaient leur devise et selon lequel ils nous enjoignent de « lire, de relire, de prier et de travailler ».Il y a peu de commentaires à ajouter à ce message, car il contient en substance tout ce que l'on peut dire sur ce sujet. Cependant il est peut-être bon de souligner que dans certains cas, l'excès de lectures, et surtout de lectures inutiles, engendre une sorte de paresse de l'esprit ; on en arrive à ne plus penser par soi-même, à subir seulement la pensée d'autrui, à endormir le pouvoir créateur de l'esprit.C'est le cas des lectures dites légères ; elles sont une sorte d'opium pour les facultés cérébrales. II ne faut pas oublier non plus que, presque toujours, elles déposent en l'esprit des germes, sortes d'entités larvées qui, un jour ou l'autre se cristallisent en nous et deviennent parties de notre personnalité. C'est pourquoi il est bon de choisir les lectures des enfants, outre celles qui leur sont imposées par les programmes scolaires. Ces lectures supplémentaires cimenteront les pierres de l'édifice culturel de l'homme futur.Il ne manque pas d'ailleurs, pour les adultes, d'ouvrages de très grands mystiques qui, bien que n'étant pas des Rose-Croix, ont cependant pénétré dans les hautes sphères de la spiritualité, qui nous font pressentir l'invisible et ses horizons illimités. Si nous ne pouvons les suivre jusqu'au bout vers les hautes cimes qu'ils ont déjà atteintes, ils nous engagent tout de même sur le sentier du sublime et de la divine aventure mystique.
Jeanne Guesdon (1954)

zaterdag 15 november 2008

CONFLICT & REVELATION part III: the People's Queen & the Sphinx of Soestdijk.

All mystics speak the same language, for they come from the same country. - Louis Claude de Saint-Martin

Koningin Juliana had dat Hofmans-mens bepaaldelijk niet nodig voor al dat vredesgedoe. -Luns

Toen ik al die aanvallen zag op mevrouw Hofmans dacht ik dat zijn allemaal mensen die haar nooit gezien hebben, het was een schat van een mens. Een vrome en stille vrouw. Zij geloofde in de kracht van het gebed. Geen Raspoetin. Ze sprak nooit met een woord over politiek, nooit, nooit, nooit. - Prof.Dr. G. quispel

Presently the newly awakened psychology will gradually accomplish what pure religious devotion might have done: throw out Paul, and let Jesus in! - Jan Willem Kaiser

God will make you the best queen any country on this earth has ever had.

"Ik ben geen vrouw, ik ben niet van vlees en bloed. Ik ben een symbool"

The Christian of the future will be a mystic or he will not exist at all.

Meanwhile the two ladies had been very busy organising their own conferences. The "Oude Loo" (peace) conferences. The Oude Loo was a Castle in the gardens of the Palace Het Loo in Apeldoorn, the residence of Queen Mother Wilhelmina and which now is a museum. Het Loo Palace was built in 1684 by William III of Holland and his consort Mary II Stuart. Het Loo means an "open space in the a forest". Wilhelmina owned this castle which she’d made available for the occasion.
Who came up with these ideas for such is unclear but according to Walraven van Heeckeren it was his wife Rita’s idea. The first conference started on 24 July 1951 lasting a full week.
The official language was English. This is an important fact since Greet Hofmans hardly knew any English and therefore, though she was undoubtedly an important factor in the preparations, she could hardly participate in the discussions herself.
Apart from Juliana’s inner circle: The Van Heeckerens, Greet Hofmans, Van Pallands, Kaiser as co-ordinator of the conferences, some 120 from all walks of life were invited. It must have been a rather bizarre sight. Greet consulting people in a quit corner, and the Queen serving tea and lemonade. The organisers were so convinced of the success that a second meeting was soon scheduled for 16 November 1951 now limited to three days! Juliana invited her wartime friend, Eleanor Roosevelt, to one of these conferences in 1951. After two days of it, Mrs. Roosevelt reportedly went away greatly disturbed by the fanatic impracticability of the discussions.
In her column My day she wrote: "I felt it was almost arrogant to expect to establish with the Almighty a direct and conscious connection". (Well isn't this exactly what mysticism is about!?)
This must have been a huge disappointment for Juliana since she used to get one wonderfully with the Roosevelts and whom she liked a lot. During the war while she lived in Ottawa, she visited them several times and they had joined vacations. In their "House" it is just like Soestdijk. March, 17th 1945 she was invited for an intimate party to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary. FDR was to die three weeks later on 12 April.
This spurned considerable unrest amongst critical and orthodox insiders to such an extent that the Dutch secret Service (BVD) started spying on them in order to find out what these weird conferences were all about! During her state visit to the United States in 1952 Eleonor Roosevelt, at the instigation of a Dutch senator, issued a warning to Juliana, who was apparently not impressed. Others described the conferences as "een groteske poppenkast" and "psychotisch gedoe". In total 14 of such Conferences were held.
The eminent Dutch scholar Prof.Dr. Gilles Quispel stated that CIA en KGB had also infiltrated the conferences and that it was the CIA who very strongly advised against Gustav Jung from participating. It was through the personal intervention of Juliana who showed a lot of interest in the Gnostics, that Quispel got hold of the Nag Hammadi codices with the Gospel of Thomas. In 1955 Juliana summoned her Foreign minister whom she entertained for hours about the Nag Hammadi codices and about which the poor guy didn’t understand one iota. She ordered him to through the ambassador to request Egyptian authorities to provide access to these invaluable scrolls!
Where Juliana & Wilhelmina were very must against Berhard's Bilderberg Conferences, Ive surprisingly never any seen evidence that he objected to the Oude Loo Conferences. This gives us the impression that Prince Bernhard was involved in what some considered a personal vendetta against Greet Hofmans.

Het opdraven van wijze mannen is een van de meest onheilspellende tekenen in de Nederlandse samenleving en staat gelijk aan het verschijnen van de patholoog-anatoom. - Hofland.

The rift between the Prince and the Queen over the matter grew wider for several years until it exploded into a public row in June 1956.
The Prime Minister, Willem Drees, had to act and appointed a committee of three wise men (elder statesmen) to advise the royal couple. The Prince got what he wanted; Hofmans was banished, and various friends and supporters of the Queen in the Royal Household had to give up their office. Juliana had stop seeing the faith-healer, and the royal couple were reconciled.
Among them the Baron Walraven van Heeckeren who was deemed totally unfit for his position, and his mother who was Grandmistress to the Court. The Baron took this so bad, that he gave a very nasty interview spilling beans, giving his views with a word or more for all members of the Royal Family painting them black, most of all Bernhard. According to Juliana's secretary, who was also a Hofmans adept, Bernhard and Beatrix were involved in the plot to get Juliana to abdicate.
The marriage of Juliana and Bernhard would last for 66 years and, while being a love match at least on her side, being a briljant career opportunity for Bernhard, it would nevertheless survive their five years living apart during World War II, the crisis about faith healer Greet Hofmans, Bernhard's open infidelities, two illegitimate daughters, and his involvement in the Lockheed scandal. Both of them died in 2004, only half a year apart.
On May 30, 1998, Princess Juliana appeared in public for the last time, at the wedding of her grandson Prince Maurits. But even then, Juliana caused an uproar in the press after taking the holy communion... (Officially they're Protestant!)
After she was banned from the court she continued living with the Mijnssen family in Baarn and in 1963 she moved with them to Amsterdam. In 1957 she had a serious car accident, which some believe was an attempt to kill her. The "Oude Loo" conferences continued in a Zeist hotel as "Open Veld bijeenkomsten". Jan Willem Kaiser died on 16 November 1960. (Greet would die 8 yrs later on 16 November!) In the meantime she continued drawing large crowds and from the highest circles. In 1963 she stopt her public healing sessions. Berend Jan Udink, Minister of Development Co-operation, confided that Juliana continued seeing Greet Hofmans. In the utmost secrecy of course... Udink attended Greet's funeral and amazingly was not recognised, which might have cost him his position. Juliana had flowers put on her grave. The only problem Juliana had, was that she'd been too much ahead of her time and that she was Queen, something she'd never wanted!

The true Mystery of Greet Hofmans revealed by Berend Jan Udink:
Van het eerste ogenblik dat ik haar sprak was mij duidelijk dat ik te maken had met iemand van wie een grote geestelijke kracht uitging. De kracht was gebaseerd op een diep geloof in Jezus Christus. Zij was een navolger van Christus in de echte zin van het woord. Was dat Hokuspokus? Neen!! Dat was de werking van de grondslag van het geloofsvertrouwen, dat bij haar zo duidelijk zichtbaar was dat het overdraagbaar werd.
Als je iemand hebt, die of het nou een psychiater is, of een gewone huisarts of juffouw Hofmans. die kans ziet om je geestelijke blokkades die je herstel in de weg staan, uit de weg te ruimen, dan gaat het je een stuk beter. Was she a faith healer, No, NO, NO, not at all…
Did she influence the Queen: she wasn't in the least interested in politics! She was completely a-political!

Was Greet Hofmans gevaarlijk? ,,Zeker was zij gevaarlijk'', menen Eef en Riet Liplijn, maar níet voor de staat. Mensen als juffrouw Hofmans zijn gevaarlijk voor je ego-bolwerk.''

„Juliana heeft een hoge prijs moeten betalen. Zo heeft zij dat ook gevoeld. Bernhard kon alles blijven doen wat hij deed en zij moest afscheid nemen van mensen die haar dierbaar waren. Hofmans was in de publiciteit neergezet als een soort toverkol, dat kwam Bernhard goed uit. Maar het was niet terecht, volgens mij. Hofmans schijnt een lieve vrouw geweest te zijn, totaal a-politiek. Juliana was de pacifiste.’’ - Dr. L.J. Giebels
The conclusion of my study is, that Greet Hofmans was one of those extremely rare individuals who are able to re-connect people with their Divine Cause, the Repairer.
A psychopomp for the living...

Ik pas niet in deze wereld waarin alles anders moet. - Karst T.

We're speechless that something so terrible could have happened - Queen Beatrix

30 April 2009 the day that Queen's Day lost its innocence ...
What was meant to be the ultimate Queen’s Day, abruptly ended in chaos, tragedy and horror.
In stead of her annual visit to two communities, this year it was decided that Queen Beatrix should visit only one place the town of Apeldoorn and for a special reason.
Next to the obligatory walk followed by a tour in an open-topped bus with a huge historical parade and finally as "piece de resistance", an old Juliana style "defilé" was scheduled to take place at the Loo Palace in order to commemorate the one hundredth birthday of former Queen Juliana.
However, at 11.50 hrs, live on tv, a desperate madman ploughed his car into the cheering crowds in a rather amateuristic attempt to smash his small car into the bus carrying almost the entire Dutch royal family, thereby killing 7 innocent bystanders and himself.
Despite a police and security force of more than 500, most of them, unfortunately, looking into the wrong direction i.e. at the bus with the royals; whereas the danger came from the opposite direction of course. If perhaps only a few concrete roadblocks had been set up…

vrijdag 14 november 2008

CONFLICT & REVELATION part II: the Prince & the Faith Healer; of Mystics & Materialists.

Shaken, not stirred!

De naam is Bernhard, prins Bernhard!

"Ik doe nooit iets op de moeilijke manier"

Als ik geen koningin was geweest, was ik ook republikein. - Juliana

Thinktank: people who are paid to think by the makers of tanks.

"Men have forgotten this truth," said the fox. "But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose..."

Above illustration: the Prince and his Ferrari 212, with his trademark the AA-13 licence plate!

During the war, Crown Princess Juliana and their children lived in Ottawa. Prince Bernhard made several visits to Canada and it was in Ottawa that their third daughter, Princess Margriet, was born in 1943.

Intimates have always known that Ian Fleming and Prince Berhard, were wartime friends in London, sharing the same passions, women, fast cars and espionage, so it is not at all surprising that the 007 character is partially based on the Prince of the Netherlands. He also inspired Fleming's other more shadowy character Count Lippe! (Bernard's real name was zur Lippe-Biesterfield). Bernhard, womanizer, payboy, bon-vivant, opportunist, manipulater, military man...

In his defense it should be said that he was immensely popular within the Dutch military(Commander-in-Chief of Dutch Armed Forces) and members of the Dutch resistance and veterans. So although his private life was to put it mildly rather controversial, Bernhard was generally regarded as a charming and popular figure by the majority of the Dutch for his performance as a pilot and activities as a liaison officer during World War II, his work during post-war reconstruction, and for assisting specific individuals. (Veterans Day is celebrated on his birthday i.e. 29 June 1911).

Bernhard suffered from poor health as a boy. Doctors predicted that he would not live very long (well he died at a Utrecht hospital on 1 December 2004!). This prediction might have been the key to Berhard's reckless driving and the risks that he took in the Second World War and thereafter. The prince wrecked several cars and planes in his lifetime.

Surprising to many might be the fact that Prince Bernhard already had his own faith healer back in 1937, after he had a serious car accident. A certain Hiranmaya Gosh a.k.a. Pranananda, a man with a highly questionable reputation. Pranananda's presence at court is of course remarkable, since it does not reflect the image of Prince Bernhard as a rather cool and down-to-earth person, who would have nothing to do with alternative healers such as later Greet Hofmans and who so often accused Juliana for being too soft. The famous pot and the kettle issue. Of course the prince denied that he’d ever met this man. But there are witnesses…

King of the World; a New World Order…

Though the idea came mostly from Joseph Retinger, Prince Bernhard took the initiative for the annual Bilderberg Conferences, named after the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek.
The Bilderberg club is regarded by financial and business elite, as the high chamber of the high priests of capitalism. You can't apply for membership. Each year, a mysterious "steering committee" devises a selected invitation list with 100 names. The location of their annual meeting is not necessarily secret, but the meetings are shrouded in the utmost secrecy.
Security is managed by military intelligence and everybody pledges absolute secrecy on what has been discussed. The Bilderberg Conference hosts central bankers, defence experts, press barons, government ministers, prime ministers, royalty, international financiers and political leaders from Europe and America.

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was the first president of the Bilderberg Group, and he continued to serve as such until 1976, the year of his involvement in the Lockhead Scandal. That year there would be no Bilderberg conference...

The 2008 conference took place in Chantilly, Virginia (near Washingon) United States.

On 7 February 2004 Bernhard in an open letter to the Volkskrant newspaper wrote "with respect to the so-named Hofmans affair, I recall that the Beel Commission in 1956 conducted an exhaustive investigation. The report of this commission is for formal reasons still not public, therefore I express here my confidence that the eventual publication will place all those involved in this complex affair in the correct light".

On 11 November 2008 the secret Hofmans file (officially report of the Beel commission) was finally released, as a supplement of the book of Prof.dr.mr. (C)ees Fasseur, "Juliana & Bernhard, Verhaal van een huwelijk", but it did not reveal much that we didn't already know. Since Cees Fasseur was the only author/historian authorised by Queen Beatrix, to research this file and perhaps due to this prerogative, this book paints a rather one-sided view of the Hofmans Affair in my opinion and to which I won't ever subscribe. Despite the above mentioned shortcoming, the beautifully bound and printed book is a great read nonetheless...

The book portrays the Prince as the rogue, who saved our constitutional monarchy by going public with an affair, which was basically his marriage crisis. A crisis which he wrongly but very cleverly presented to the outside world as the Greet Hofmans Affair. It pictures Queen Juliana as the benevolent lunatic with in the background Greet Hofmans as the evil genius behind the throne. This simply does not do justice to neither Greet Hofmans nor Queen Juliana.

"Juliana was immensely wronged". - Elsbeth Etty

Dutch news show EénVandaag of 10 November 2008 with rare footage on the Hofmans Affair:

The article in "Der Spiegel" wich aired the Hofmans affair and made it public: DER SPIEGEL 24/1956 vom 13.06.1956

to be continued in Part III


dinsdag 4 november 2008

CONFLICT & REVELATION: a Shakespearean Drama at Soestdijk Palace or an account of the unholy Greet Hofmans affair...

Een Vreemd Mensch...
Geluk is een dagelijkse beslissing...

Een formidabele persoonlijkheid - B.J. Udink

In de mystiek viert de paradox hoogtij. - Louis Kuipers

Het opdraven van wijze mannen is een van de meest onheilspellende tekenen in de Nederlandse samenleving en staat gelijk aan het verschijnen van de patholoog-anatoom. - Hofland.

I'm responsible to God and to no one else. I've never said a word about the royal family, and I never will. Why don't you ask the Queen? - Greet Hofmans

Ik was twaalf en toen al voelde ik de nutteloosheid van veel dingen. Ik zag alle mensen almaar in hetzelfde kringetje ronddwalen en ik dacht daar moet ik uit. - Uw doorgeefster.

" Omdat ik vrij, onbeperkt, ongedeeld en van geen enkel ding afhankelijk ben, verzoek ik degenen die mij graag willen begrijpen geen volgeling van mij te worden en geen kooi rondom mij op te trekken." - Krishnamurthi

We follow the mystics. They know where they are going. They, too, go astray, but when they go astray they do so in a way that is mystical, dark, and mysterious.

The purpose of this fourth branch of my Blog Emporium the other three being:


is to write about little known mystics, who are, imho, nevertheless very important.

The first one here is dedicated to Dutch mystic Greet Hofmans.

Margaretha Hofmans, Amsterdam (* 23 June 1894 + 16 November 1968) was a faith healer, mystic and profetess. For nine years she was a very close friend of Queen Juliana, occasionally staying at their residence, the Soestdijk Palace in Baarn (Utrecht Province).

Hofmans was introduced to the court at the initiative of Prince Bernhard in 1948 to treat the eye sickness of their youngest daughter Princess Marijke. The illness arose after Juliana was infected with rubella during her pregnancy. Her presence at the court soon resulted in a major crisis.

Outside the Netherlands a great deal was written about the infamous Hofmans affair. On 13 June 1956 an article appeared in the German magazine "Der Spiegel" with the title "Zwischen Königin und Rasputin", literally meaning Between Queen and Rasputin. Reportedly it was Bernhard who deliberately leaked the information for the article, by which means he hoped to have Hofmans removed from the court.

The cabinet of Prime Minister Willem Drees banned the import of that edition of "Der Spiegel" and on 28 June 1956 appointed a commission of enquiry of former ministers Louis Beel and Gerbrandy and former governor-general of the Dutch East Indies A. W. L. Tjarda van Starkenborgh Stachouwer, the Beel Commission. The outcome was o.a. the termination of Hofmans' contacts with the court and a total reorganisation of the Dutch royal household.

Through the secrecy imposed by the officials; the self-imposed censorship of the Netherlands press or was it simply a lack of information, the Hofmans affair took on a life of its own. Some have speculated that the affair was simply a mask for a looming divorce of the royal couple...

Hofmans though held until her death in 1968 devout and fanatic followers in the highest places, who saw in her the personification of the perfect life: sober, peaceful, free of self-interest, and directed towards helping her fellow man. Others again dismissed her as a charlatan, an intrigante and a dangerous witch, or at best a naive figure...

Mrs. Besant said: "The process has begun."

Straight from the beginning these two women had a strong common interest: they were fervent followers of Jiddu Krishnamurthi, who was quite big in theosophical circles of which Greet was a member. Some were even taking him (JK) for an expected world teacher c.q. avatar read the Maitreya. To cut a long story short, Hofmans and Juliana were both mystics and consequently they spoke the same language!

One of the members of Juliana’s Société des Intimes ("Het Oude Loo" Conferences) was Philip Dirk baron van Pallandt. He was the owner of Kasteel Eerde, near the small Eastern Dutch town of Ommen. He (1921) donated his Castle and large parts of his Estate to Krishnamurthi who then was the leader of The Order of the Star in the East a.ka. Order of the Star. Later Krishnamurthi dissolved his own organisation (refusing to be the Messiah), which was created as a vehicle for him by the Theosophical Society.

It was here in Ommen were the famous "Sterkampen or the annual Star Camps", were held with Krishanmurthi and where Annie Besant lectured by the campfire and which were faithfully frequented by Greet Hofmans and some 2000 other theosophists. For more than a decade Ommen was the magical centre of the Universe. When the grounds were eventually returned to The Van Pallandts, it became a Quaker School, now being an International School.

The first part of Greet Hofmans'life was rather uneventful. Being the eldest of four from a lower-class family with a father taking all kind of odd jobs.
Due to a serious illness of her mother she was compelled to take over the Hofmans household and to constantly nurse her mother. Certainly not the life she'd had in mind for herself as a young girl. But Greet never complained. Duty demanded that she sacrificed herself!
Her mother was, and that's quite surprising in these circles one of the early Dutch members of the Theosophical Society. So it is obvious that her mother had a strong influence, and Greet also joined the Society and was very dedicated to it. Later Greet also joined "Het Rozenkruisers Genootschap" a Dutch subsidiary of the "Rosicrucian Fellowship" currently known as Lectorium Rosicrucianum. It wasn't until both her parents had died that somehow she started having a life of her own. Though she was rather lost then and not exactly balanced. Some even believed she had a mental illness in the beginning of her public career.

During the war Greet met with J.W. Kaiser a theosophist & rosicrucian who was completely into the paranormal scene though still somehow within a Christian context whereas Greet was totally unreligious herself. Kaiser is going to be an important figure in the future Oude Loo Conferences. Kaiser who was married with children had a homosexual friend who had died in 1939 and who was going to be Greet’s first "Master". A gay paranormal astrologist and chicken farmer with a passion for green farming from Hattem. Exler holds his place in the history of the Dutch gay liberation movement. M.J.J. Exler would spent the final years of his life at the Molecaten Estate in Hattem, owned by Walraven baron van Heeckeren van Molecaten, who will later re-appear in this story as Queen Juliana’s private secretary (his wife Rita Pennink-Nitschmann being a governess to the princessess for a while and his own mother the Grandmistress to the Queen’s court).
Greet was totally dedicated to Exler or Ex as she would lovingly call him, following all his instructions, no matter how bizarre his inspirations would be... This situation was going to last till 1948 when she stopped acting as a medium for Ex who by then was mysteriously transformed into X, read the Christ.
The real Mystical life of Greet Hofmans, actually started on 2 March 1946, when in her apartment at the Vijzelstraat in Amsterdam she experienced a sudden influx of cosmic consciousness...

At the instigation of "Master" Exler Greet now moved to Hattem (Exler’s former residence) where she found refuge (just like him) in a little cottage at the Van Heeckeren’s Estate.
In Hattem she started her public healing sessions, which soon became immensely popular with hundreds of people attending these sessions.
Because of its populartity the practice had soon to be expended to other places as well (o.a. Amsterdam). The lady of the house, the Baroness Van Heeckeren, suspicious of Greet at first was now totally dedicated to the course and acting as Greet’s chauffeur, driving her around the country. When Prince Bernhard later kicked her out of the palace she found a very similar refuge and situation at the wealthy Mijnssen family in Baarn (who were living very close to the Soestdijk Palace!), who offered Greet a caravan on their grounds. It seemed that whereever she appeared, far from being a handsome woman, she completely mesmerized her audience.