zaterdag 15 november 2008

CONFLICT & REVELATION part III: the People's Queen & the Sphinx of Soestdijk.

All mystics speak the same language, for they come from the same country. - Louis Claude de Saint-Martin

Koningin Juliana had dat Hofmans-mens bepaaldelijk niet nodig voor al dat vredesgedoe. -Luns

Toen ik al die aanvallen zag op mevrouw Hofmans dacht ik dat zijn allemaal mensen die haar nooit gezien hebben, het was een schat van een mens. Een vrome en stille vrouw. Zij geloofde in de kracht van het gebed. Geen Raspoetin. Ze sprak nooit met een woord over politiek, nooit, nooit, nooit. - Prof.Dr. G. quispel

Presently the newly awakened psychology will gradually accomplish what pure religious devotion might have done: throw out Paul, and let Jesus in! - Jan Willem Kaiser

God will make you the best queen any country on this earth has ever had.

"Ik ben geen vrouw, ik ben niet van vlees en bloed. Ik ben een symbool"

The Christian of the future will be a mystic or he will not exist at all.

Meanwhile the two ladies had been very busy organising their own conferences. The "Oude Loo" (peace) conferences. The Oude Loo was a Castle in the gardens of the Palace Het Loo in Apeldoorn, the residence of Queen Mother Wilhelmina and which now is a museum. Het Loo Palace was built in 1684 by William III of Holland and his consort Mary II Stuart. Het Loo means an "open space in the a forest". Wilhelmina owned this castle which she’d made available for the occasion.
Who came up with these ideas for such is unclear but according to Walraven van Heeckeren it was his wife Rita’s idea. The first conference started on 24 July 1951 lasting a full week.
The official language was English. This is an important fact since Greet Hofmans hardly knew any English and therefore, though she was undoubtedly an important factor in the preparations, she could hardly participate in the discussions herself.
Apart from Juliana’s inner circle: The Van Heeckerens, Greet Hofmans, Van Pallands, Kaiser as co-ordinator of the conferences, some 120 from all walks of life were invited. It must have been a rather bizarre sight. Greet consulting people in a quit corner, and the Queen serving tea and lemonade. The organisers were so convinced of the success that a second meeting was soon scheduled for 16 November 1951 now limited to three days! Juliana invited her wartime friend, Eleanor Roosevelt, to one of these conferences in 1951. After two days of it, Mrs. Roosevelt reportedly went away greatly disturbed by the fanatic impracticability of the discussions.
In her column My day she wrote: "I felt it was almost arrogant to expect to establish with the Almighty a direct and conscious connection". (Well isn't this exactly what mysticism is about!?)
This must have been a huge disappointment for Juliana since she used to get one wonderfully with the Roosevelts and whom she liked a lot. During the war while she lived in Ottawa, she visited them several times and they had joined vacations. In their "House" it is just like Soestdijk. March, 17th 1945 she was invited for an intimate party to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary. FDR was to die three weeks later on 12 April.
This spurned considerable unrest amongst critical and orthodox insiders to such an extent that the Dutch secret Service (BVD) started spying on them in order to find out what these weird conferences were all about! During her state visit to the United States in 1952 Eleonor Roosevelt, at the instigation of a Dutch senator, issued a warning to Juliana, who was apparently not impressed. Others described the conferences as "een groteske poppenkast" and "psychotisch gedoe". In total 14 of such Conferences were held.
The eminent Dutch scholar Prof.Dr. Gilles Quispel stated that CIA en KGB had also infiltrated the conferences and that it was the CIA who very strongly advised against Gustav Jung from participating. It was through the personal intervention of Juliana who showed a lot of interest in the Gnostics, that Quispel got hold of the Nag Hammadi codices with the Gospel of Thomas. In 1955 Juliana summoned her Foreign minister whom she entertained for hours about the Nag Hammadi codices and about which the poor guy didn’t understand one iota. She ordered him to through the ambassador to request Egyptian authorities to provide access to these invaluable scrolls!
Where Juliana & Wilhelmina were very must against Berhard's Bilderberg Conferences, Ive surprisingly never any seen evidence that he objected to the Oude Loo Conferences. This gives us the impression that Prince Bernhard was involved in what some considered a personal vendetta against Greet Hofmans.

Het opdraven van wijze mannen is een van de meest onheilspellende tekenen in de Nederlandse samenleving en staat gelijk aan het verschijnen van de patholoog-anatoom. - Hofland.

The rift between the Prince and the Queen over the matter grew wider for several years until it exploded into a public row in June 1956.
The Prime Minister, Willem Drees, had to act and appointed a committee of three wise men (elder statesmen) to advise the royal couple. The Prince got what he wanted; Hofmans was banished, and various friends and supporters of the Queen in the Royal Household had to give up their office. Juliana had stop seeing the faith-healer, and the royal couple were reconciled.
Among them the Baron Walraven van Heeckeren who was deemed totally unfit for his position, and his mother who was Grandmistress to the Court. The Baron took this so bad, that he gave a very nasty interview spilling beans, giving his views with a word or more for all members of the Royal Family painting them black, most of all Bernhard. According to Juliana's secretary, who was also a Hofmans adept, Bernhard and Beatrix were involved in the plot to get Juliana to abdicate.
The marriage of Juliana and Bernhard would last for 66 years and, while being a love match at least on her side, being a briljant career opportunity for Bernhard, it would nevertheless survive their five years living apart during World War II, the crisis about faith healer Greet Hofmans, Bernhard's open infidelities, two illegitimate daughters, and his involvement in the Lockheed scandal. Both of them died in 2004, only half a year apart.
On May 30, 1998, Princess Juliana appeared in public for the last time, at the wedding of her grandson Prince Maurits. But even then, Juliana caused an uproar in the press after taking the holy communion... (Officially they're Protestant!)
After she was banned from the court she continued living with the Mijnssen family in Baarn and in 1963 she moved with them to Amsterdam. In 1957 she had a serious car accident, which some believe was an attempt to kill her. The "Oude Loo" conferences continued in a Zeist hotel as "Open Veld bijeenkomsten". Jan Willem Kaiser died on 16 November 1960. (Greet would die 8 yrs later on 16 November!) In the meantime she continued drawing large crowds and from the highest circles. In 1963 she stopt her public healing sessions. Berend Jan Udink, Minister of Development Co-operation, confided that Juliana continued seeing Greet Hofmans. In the utmost secrecy of course... Udink attended Greet's funeral and amazingly was not recognised, which might have cost him his position. Juliana had flowers put on her grave. The only problem Juliana had, was that she'd been too much ahead of her time and that she was Queen, something she'd never wanted!

The true Mystery of Greet Hofmans revealed by Berend Jan Udink:
Van het eerste ogenblik dat ik haar sprak was mij duidelijk dat ik te maken had met iemand van wie een grote geestelijke kracht uitging. De kracht was gebaseerd op een diep geloof in Jezus Christus. Zij was een navolger van Christus in de echte zin van het woord. Was dat Hokuspokus? Neen!! Dat was de werking van de grondslag van het geloofsvertrouwen, dat bij haar zo duidelijk zichtbaar was dat het overdraagbaar werd.
Als je iemand hebt, die of het nou een psychiater is, of een gewone huisarts of juffouw Hofmans. die kans ziet om je geestelijke blokkades die je herstel in de weg staan, uit de weg te ruimen, dan gaat het je een stuk beter. Was she a faith healer, No, NO, NO, not at all…
Did she influence the Queen: she wasn't in the least interested in politics! She was completely a-political!

Was Greet Hofmans gevaarlijk? ,,Zeker was zij gevaarlijk'', menen Eef en Riet Liplijn, maar níet voor de staat. Mensen als juffrouw Hofmans zijn gevaarlijk voor je ego-bolwerk.''

„Juliana heeft een hoge prijs moeten betalen. Zo heeft zij dat ook gevoeld. Bernhard kon alles blijven doen wat hij deed en zij moest afscheid nemen van mensen die haar dierbaar waren. Hofmans was in de publiciteit neergezet als een soort toverkol, dat kwam Bernhard goed uit. Maar het was niet terecht, volgens mij. Hofmans schijnt een lieve vrouw geweest te zijn, totaal a-politiek. Juliana was de pacifiste.’’ - Dr. L.J. Giebels
The conclusion of my study is, that Greet Hofmans was one of those extremely rare individuals who are able to re-connect people with their Divine Cause, the Repairer.
A psychopomp for the living...

Ik pas niet in deze wereld waarin alles anders moet. - Karst T.

We're speechless that something so terrible could have happened - Queen Beatrix

30 April 2009 the day that Queen's Day lost its innocence ...
What was meant to be the ultimate Queen’s Day, abruptly ended in chaos, tragedy and horror.
In stead of her annual visit to two communities, this year it was decided that Queen Beatrix should visit only one place the town of Apeldoorn and for a special reason.
Next to the obligatory walk followed by a tour in an open-topped bus with a huge historical parade and finally as "piece de resistance", an old Juliana style "defilé" was scheduled to take place at the Loo Palace in order to commemorate the one hundredth birthday of former Queen Juliana.
However, at 11.50 hrs, live on tv, a desperate madman ploughed his car into the cheering crowds in a rather amateuristic attempt to smash his small car into the bus carrying almost the entire Dutch royal family, thereby killing 7 innocent bystanders and himself.
Despite a police and security force of more than 500, most of them, unfortunately, looking into the wrong direction i.e. at the bus with the royals; whereas the danger came from the opposite direction of course. If perhaps only a few concrete roadblocks had been set up…